Why do you think babar ali took the initiative to start his own school?
Babar Ali
Babar Ali took the initiative to start his own school to spread education and literacy among the poor children in the surrounding areas. He was the youngest headmaster in the world, who was in charge of teaching hundreds of students in his family's backyard, where he ran classes for poor children from his village. First he attended his own school till afternoon. He faced so many hardships every day.
The best part was, in spite of these hardships he ran a school for poor children like Chumki.
Babar Ali took the initiative to start his own school because he felt the need to do something about a situation which, he felt, was unfair. As mentioned in the lesson, his life is a proof to the saying that one person can make a difference if he is motivated by a strong desire. Even though Ali came from a small village – Murshidabad, he had a dream and he worked towards realising that dream. The dream, however, was not for personal fulfilment. It was, instead, for the betterment of children around him. Ali had the privilege of being educated because of his father’s stand on education. But, not all the children in the village had the same advantage. That is why, after attending his school in the morning, Ali started taking classes for the illiterate children of the village in the backyard of his house.