why do you think that today's generation is losing its cuture and moral values
Familial culture is also passed down from generation to generation and this means that it is both shared and learned. It is shared because as a family grows, new generations are introduced to traditional family practices and then it becomes a routine to that new generation.
The reason today's generation is losing its culture and moral values is because the parents of such kids only want their kids to focus mainly on subjects the school wants them to. There are children all around the world who are much busier than any other generation's kids ever were, and even if the kids are free from the school during their break or vacation they tend to use most of their time on mobile phones or by watching television and the parents don't mind as long as their kids are quiet or they stop troubling them,
now days only a minute amount of kids read books which is actually good for their brain development. The school also increases the portion of the kids by large amount every year, this causes the kids to spend most of their school year just coping up with the school work so that they could get good marks.
By doing all these things there is literally no time for them to learn about the cultural and moral values, only a small part of smart parents make sure to teach their kids about all the important things and not just leave it to be taught by their schools. This leads to the losing of culture and moral values of today's generation