why do you think there are few cases of private water supply in the world? Do you think water in chennai is available to and affordable for all?
There are very few cases of private water supply in the world because water is an essential amenity; water supply is a public facility that every government must provide to all citizens of a State.
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Q1. why do you think there are few cases of private water supply in the world?
There are very few cases of private water supply in the world because water is an essential amenity; water supply is a public facility that every government must provide to all citizens of a State. ... Hence, it has been deemed best that the government must handle water supply services.
Q2. Do you think water in chennai is available to and affordable for all?
No, water in Chennai is not available and affordable by all. Municipal supply meets only about half the needs of the people of the city, on average. There are areas that get water more regularly than others.