Why do you think there is inequality in jobs for men and women?
Gender inequality is the biggest obstacle in workplace
Gender inequality is a result of the persistent discrimination of one group of people based upon gender and it manifests itself differently according to race, culture, politics, country, and economic situation. It is furthermore considered a causal factor of violence against women.
Workplace gender equality is achieved when people are able to access and enjoy the same rewards, resources and opportunities regardless of gender
Women's primary role as a caretaker and homemaker is one which is often but valued.
There is no sharing in the household chores between men and women whether employed or
not. Household jobs are considered to be a duty of the women for which they are not paid. If we
put together the numbers of hours women work at home and outside, then they far exceed the
number of hours of work put in by men. About 75% of the jobs in the well paying professions are
held by men but the women are considered paid less.