History, asked by ediaz808, 11 months ago

why do you think US authorities paid little attention to the dangers of diseases in Cuba?


Answered by yuvrajkarle12345


The Cuban experience is an instructive one, particularly for poor countries that face daunting health problems with limited resources. The United States might also learn from Cuba’s NHS and apply some of its principles to this country’s market-driven health care system. Some of these principles include the following, in order of priority.

This may be the intent of the new US National Prevention Strategy, with its goal to increase the number of Americans who are healthy at every stage of life. The strategy includes 4 evidence-based strategic directions that will require active engagement by all sectors of society to accomplish the following:

1.expand quality preventive services in both clinical and community settings,

2.eliminate health disparities,

3.empower people to make healthy choices, and

4.build healthy and safe community environments.69


These strategic directions coincide with the policy directives of the Cuban NHS and the intent of the ACC. A theoretical construct that might be considered by communities in this country to address these strategic directions and approximate the activities of Cuban health professionals and their communities includes the following:

Local health departments supporting the patient care roles of hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and other clinical providers (see directions 1 and 2). Assuming the expansion of access to care for currently excluded individuals continues, many local health departments forced in the past to fill access-to-care gaps by providing primary care clinics, well baby clinics, antenatal care clinics, etc., will see the need for those services begin to disappear. Soon to be underemployed public health nurses and other public health workers might well be reassigned to work with neighborhoods or other subpopulation groups to enhance involvement with primary care providers by emulating the Cuban primary care nurse. Activities would include helping patients to keep appointments for clinical preventive services, identifying members of the community with special needs, and getting them involved in care, assisting with community health needs assessments, etc.

Community agency collaboration to provide community-based health behavior modification services (see direction 3). In general, clinical providers are minimally effective at getting patients to stop smoking, lose weight, exercise more, reduce substance dependence, and so on. Many agencies including health departments, mental health agencies, the American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association, the American Lung Association, Planned Parenthood, etc., provide opportunities to attempt such behavior changes. Not uncommonly, however, these opportunities are episodic and not well coordinated. Communities should challenge these groups to combine their resources to develop a behavior modification center that would act as a science-based single referral source for clinicians with patients in need of such services or for individuals acting on their own. Physicians would be incentivized to call the attention of their patients to the need for behavior change, and would have a reliable source of referral that would be little different in its function from a referral to any specialty service. Such an effort should have a governing board with representatives from all agencies involved and the population served.

Answered by gratefuljarette

US paid little attention to the dangers of diseases of Cuba because there was a ongoing hostilities between the governments of the two.


  • Due to Cuba missile crisis there was hostilities which did not let the US to pay much attention to the danger of Cuba.
  • They did not want the UN to pay much attention or to provide aids to Cuba.
  • More than anything,political enmity separated both the countries from their aiding and help.

Learn more about us and cuba relationship

Write short notes on cuba crisis


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