Why do you want to be a bank manager
There are 6 questions
1. Why did you decide to become a banker?
It is essential to understand an individual’s motivation for embarking on a particular career path. Asking this question in the beginning of the interview will give you a better idea of your candidate and their motivation for working for you.
What to look for in an answer:
Underlying motivation
History that led to their job search and choice of career
Personal insights
Example: "I feel that a career in the financial industry would be the most beneficial use of my knowledge and skills in accounting and problem-solving. I have always been fascinated by the financial world, am ambitious and hard-working and can bring great value to your company."
2. Why do you think this bank is a good fit for your skills?
The answers to this question will give you deeper insights into the candidate’s prior training. Here the candidate should divulge their career history a bit more.
What to look for in an answer:
Whether the candidate understands the responsibilities of the position
Skillset match
Example: "After looking at the job requirements and researching your company history and policies, I think that my skills in customer care, accuracy and smart investing can help your clients make smart financial decisions. I am committed to complete confidentiality and have had previous experience dealing with tough customers."
3. Have you ever had to deal with an angry customer? How did you handle it?
This question gives you insight into your candidate’s customer service skills. You can tell by their body language and word selection if they possess the skills required for such a demanding and interactive job (such as patience and the ability to listen well while still selling a product).
What to look for in an answer:
Interpersonal skills
Whether the past incident led the candidate to change their perspective
Example: “In that last incident, I realized how the customer simply had different expectations. I took the responsibility of ensuring their satisfaction by walking them through the program again and trying to listen to their complaints.”
4. What do you feel are the most important qualities for a bank teller position?
It’s possible that some folks looking for work don’t quite understand the roles and responsibilities that come with the job. Here, you can see how committed and prepared they are for the job requirements.
What to look for in an answer:
Clear mindset
Understanding of the job and roles required
Whether the candidate asks questions to get clarification
Example: “A banker needs to have good judgment, service orientation and the ability to cope well under stressful circumstances. Organizational skills, time management and a strong work ethic are also essential for this job.”
5. If a customer is not convinced about this bank, how would you change their mind?
At the end of the day, a good banker is not only a good manager, but a good salesperson. You need them to do the job of persuading more potential clients to become your loyal customers.
What to look for in an answer:
Ability to make a sale
How convincing they may be
Clarity when forming the answer
Example: “I would take a look at their lifestyle, and see how this bank fits it perfectly. If the potential client goes overseas a lot, I would show them how our offers for international withdrawals are the best and most convenient. During this conversation, I would try to keep things as simple and easy as possible so that he or she would feel it would be the best investment of their time and money. I would emphasize personal added value that the bank can give them.”
6. How would you handle a situation wherein a customer has been wrongly overcharged for a withdrawal fee?
Specific questions like this one can determine whether or not your candidate will keep their cool in such a situation. It is likely that a client becomes angry and even aggressive, and your banker will need to exercise extra care in their customer dealings.
What to look for in an answer:
Ability to remain calm and patient
Customer service skills
Communication skills
Example: “The customer would need adequate time to express their point of view. I would outline our bank’s policy in such a case and show how this matter can be properly reconciled. I would offer to partner with the client in resolving this issue from a reasonable standpoint and show how our email alert feature for low bank account balances. I would calmly walk the customer through what to do in case this happens the next time, and provide a special number to call for direct customer service — while assuring her that I will personally take calls, should this happen again.”
Hope it will help you mate
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