Physics, asked by hudhoo1, 1 year ago

Why does a bird make high pitch sound whereas lion makes low pitch sound?
The pitch between cukoo's cry, lion's roar


Answered by SameerVikngs


This is because the difference in the length of voice box or larynx. A shorter voice box has a larger amplitude and thus produces a high pitched and shirll voice whereas the lion hasa larger voice box and thus a shorter amplitude and thus produces a hoarse and heavy voice

Answered by akshatdixit52

Answer: The amplitudes of vibration of a sound wave determines the pitch.  If the frequency of vibration is higher, we say that the sound is shrill or has a higher pitch. If the frequency of vibration is lower, we say that the sound has lower pitch. Therefore, cuckoo's cry makes high-pitched sound but sound of cuckoo's cry is feeble whereas lion makes low pitched but roar of lion is loud.

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