Physics, asked by rishikamaurya780, 7 months ago

why does a ray of light bend towards the base when it passes through a glass prism?​


Answered by priya14455

 <marquee> priya <marquee>

 \setlength{\unitlength}{0.8cm} \begin{picture}(12,4) \thicklines \put(8,3.3){{\footnotesize $3$-simplex}} \put(9,3){\circle*{0.1}} \put(8.3,2.9){$a_2$} \put(8,1){\circle*{0.1}} \put(7.7,0.5){$a_0$} \put(10,1){\circle*{0.1}} \put(9.7,0.5){$a_1$} \put(11,1.66){\circle*{0.1}} \put(11.1,1.5){$a_3$} \put(9,3){\line(3,-2){2}} \put(10,1){\line(3,2){1}} \put(8,1){\line(1,0){2}} \put(8,1){\line(1,2){1}} \put(10,1){\line(-1,2){1}} \end{picture}

Answered by DoctörSmíle

Answer ⤵

  • When a ray of light enters the glass prism it gets deviated two times.
  • First when it enters the glass prism and second when it comes out of the prism.
  • This is because the refracting surfaces of the prism are not parallel to each other.
  • Also, when the ray of light passes through the prism it bends towards its base.

More To Know

What will happen if a beam of light pass through a glass prism?

  • When light passes through a prism the light bends. As a result, the different colors that make up white light become separated.
  • This happens because each color has a particular wavelength and each wavelength bends at a different angle.

Hope helped

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