Why does author say that indian education is at crossroads?
herma n A lexie, “Indian Educa tion” Sum mary Anal ysis. 1465 vie ws. Int roduction. ... This con flict is clearly port ra yed by the author as he takes us through the jou rney from a ten der a ge in his scho oling y ears to his p ost-grad ation years. For most children, el ementary scho ol is a time for fu n before the later pres sures of ac ademics in more adv anced sta ges of life. It is at this st age that children
Answer by @krishhhhnna
Because Education is a cultural construct meant to socialize the citizen; transmit knowledge from one generation to another; and generate new knowledge to better all generations. The education system is supposed to contribute to individual growth and social transformation. that why author say that Indian education is at crossroads