Why does it become necessary to specify the physical states of reactants and the products in a chemical reaction ? Explain with the help of reaction between Fe and water .
Because when we specify the phiysical state of all the elements present in the reaction ,then it would be more expressive and more understandable and more easy to understand the solutions of the reaction.
Ex:- Fe (solid state) and H2O (liquid state) .When the gas is released in the form of H2O then it is said to be gaseous state
the state symbols are of utmost significance for those chemical reactions which are either accompanied by evolution or or absorption of heat that is even both the chemical properties of elements are same but physical properties vary
for example------------
2 H2 +O2 gives 2 H2O + 572 KJ when hydrogen oxygen are gases and water is in form of liquid.
2 H2 +O2 gives 2 H2O + 484 KJ when hydrogen Oxygen and water all are in gaseous form