Why does plantation farming need skilled and experienced labour?
Due to the large size of a plantation, a lot of labor is needed to tend to the crops and work in the nearby processing factories. Most of them are permanent laborers housed near the plantations and taken care of by the plantation owner. For example in Malaysia’s large rubber plantations, many workers are hired to tap latex from rubber trees, and in India for plucking tea leaves in tea plantations or coffee berries in coffee plantations
Plantation Agriculture, a commercial way of farming where crops were mainly grown for the profits.
Countries should have tropical climate do this type of plantation.
This farming type needs skilled and experienced labour since plantation is done in huge land and the techniques to handle the farming will be known more to skilled labours.
It also includes the requirement of lot of labour for the plantation in the huge hectare land.
Pesticides are used to "destroy pests", though it is used in huge quantities, it should be handled correctly.