English, asked by ganeshmita72, 3 months ago

Why does Sudraka use the allusion of 'Chakravaka'?​


Answered by KrithikaQueen


Shudraka (IAST: Śūdraka) was an Indian playwright, to whom three Sanskrit plays are attributed: Mrichchhakatika (The Little Clay Cart), Vinavasavadatta, and a bhana (short one-act monologue), Padmaprabhritaka.[1][2] According to the prologue of Mrichchhakatika, he was a king; according to one theory, he may have been a third century Abhira king.[1] According to another theory, Shudraka is a mythical figure, and the authorship of plays attributed to him is uncertai

The Little Clay Cart'') (; also spelled Mrcchakatika, Mricchakatika, or Mrichchhakatika), is a ten-act Sanskrit drama attributed to Śūdraka , an ancient playwright generally thought to have lived sometime between the third century BC and the fifth century AD whom the prologue identifies as a Kshatriya king and a ...

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