why does territory surrounding the school is dangerous??
I. Disaster Risk Reduction Begins at School
1. Message from Salvano Briceño
2. Disaster risk reduction in the educational sector in Latin America and the Caribbean
3. Main disaster risk reduction activities corresponding to the education sector
4. Central messages of the ‘Disaster Risk Reduction Begins at School’ campaign
II. Conceptual Tools
1. The conceptual framework: ‘Risk management: from the duty to hope to the responsibility
for a miracle’
2. The first ingredients: school + safety
3. Other ingredient: the territory
4. Hazards, vulnerabilities, risks and disasters
5. The hazards and their causes
III. Factors that determine the safety of a territory
IV. Factors that determine the safety of a school
• Structural factors (the education ‘hardware’)
• Non-structural factors (the education ‘software’)
• Responsible institutions
• Draft variables and indicators to identify a safe school. Dr. Orestes Valdés et al.
V. Other issues for discussion:
• The school as promoter of territorial safety
• The continuity of quality education in disaster situations
• The school as shelter
• The school contribution to normalisation following a disast