English, asked by sakifaisal150, 10 months ago

Why does the poet call the winter wind not so unking as man's ingratitude?


Answered by vk570892


i don't now the perfect answer

Answered by ZareenaTabassum

The Answer is:

The poet claims that man's ingratitude is not as cruel as that of the winter wind since ungrateful persons have caused him a lot of suffering.

  • Amiens, a nobleman and King Senior's supporter, sings the ballad "Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind" in "As You Like It".
  • Amiens contrasts the ruthlessness of the cold wind with in poem also with lack of gratitude of people, believing the other to be even more cruel.
  • In this poetry, the main character bemoans the lack of genuine friendship and love in the world.
  • The bitter cold wind is intolerable. But it is still preferable than human ungratefulness and fake affection.
  • The poet also contrasts two rivers with fake friendship, which is a greedy translation.
  • Even though the winter wind can be obnoxious and stinging, it is preferable than fake friendship.


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