English, asked by nlvraghavendra4125, 11 months ago

why does the quaid stress on youth to be continuously vigilant?


Answered by Anonymous


Jinnah placed great importance on the youth and gave his advice to students on several occasions. At a public meeting in Dhaka on March 21, 1948, he said,

“My young friends, students who are present here, let me tell you as one who has always had love and affection for you, who has served you for ten years faithfully and loyally, let me give you this word of warning you will be making the greatest mistake if you allow yourself to be exploited by one political party or another.... Your main occupation should be — in fairness to yourself, in fairness to your parents, in fairness to the state - to devote your attention to your studies.”

Hope it helps ✌️

Answered by Chaitanya1696

We are asked the question as to the reason why the Quaid stress on the youth to be continuously vigilant.

  • Quaid has said it is the ultimate responsibility of the youth to keep themselves well equipped to meet their future responsibilities.
  • Their responsibility is to concentrate on their studies and try to avail a higher education in order to serve the nation in a better way.
  • The youth have a responsibility towards their parents, the state, and particularly to themselves.
  • The youth has to be fair to all these people and be ready to face the life battle.
  • Quaid has a belief that unless the youth follow the above advice they will not be able to prove themselves as the pillars of our country.


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