Why does the sun appear reddish early in the morning?
Due to the effect of moonlight and sunlight, and with foggy weather also...
It is also a natural effect..
Please mark me as brainliest
Early in the morning, the sun rises in the east and is not directly overhead, hence it has to travel maximum distance in order to reach the earth's atmosphere and our eyes. Since red light has maximum wavelength of about 8000 nm in the visible range of light(4000-8000 nm-nanometer), and since the I(intensity of scattered light) is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength(λ^4), hence the intensity of scattered red light is the least, it is absorbed and re-emitted the least in the visible range of light, most of it easily reaches our eyes, the other wavelengths of light are unable to reach due to long distance and scattering and decrease in the intensity.
Thus, sun appears reddish in morning.