why does the sun appear reddish early in the morning in hindi
क्षितिज के पास सूर्य से प्रकाश हमारी आंखों तक पहुंचने से पहले हवा की एक मोटी परत और पृथ्वी के वातावरण में एक बड़ी दूरी से गुजरता है। ... हालाँकि, क्षितिज के पास, अधिकांश नीले प्रकाश और कम तरंग दैर्ध्य बिखरे हुए हैं।
if u cant understand then here is in english
Light from the Sun near the horizon passes through a thicker layer of air and a larger distance in the Earth's atmosphere before reaching our eyes. ... However, near the horizon, most of the blue light and shorter wavelengths are scattered.
hope it helps
sun appears reddish in the early morning because in the early morning its distance from the earth is quite large and at that time the particles in the atmosphere are very small sized so the white light spread by the sun is scattered most. due to the scattering this white light scatters into red and violet colour as a violet colour is sensitive to our eyes that is why on the red colour appears to us our eyes that is why the sun appears reddish early in the morning.