Why does usa consider syria a sponsor of terrorism?
According to the State Department, seven of the twenty-eight terrorist groups mentioned in Patterns of Global Terrorism 2000 were in some way o rthe other received sponsorship and support from Syria. Few "Specially Designated Terrorists," such as senior Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzook and Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Abdullah Shallah, designed terrorist activities and took shelter in Damascus. It was from these headquarters, the groups and leaders incite, recruit, train, coordinate, and direct terrorism. After September 11, no fewer than five Damascus-based organizations—Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine , the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine , and Hizballah—have undertaken operations,ranging from suicide bombings to assassinations, which led to death of civilians and an Israeli cabinet minister.
Syria's hospitality towards these group's leaders by granting them with some semblance of policitcal cover, and meeting their financing and operational planning frustrates U.S. efforts to establish calm between Israel and Palestine and initiate reform within the Palestinian Authority.