Why doesn't the earth move towards the apple when the apple fell down from the tree
this is due to that the mass of the apple is much much smaller as compared to the mass of earth, so that it can be ignored.
& (F=Gm1m2/R²,where m1=mass of the apple and m2=mass of the earth)
∴the earth doesn't move towards the apple.
How about we see it from the other way round like, it's the earth which actually came towards the apple and not the apple, apple stayed there and the earth came towards it, touching it. how does that sound? :3 Incuisitive , more interesting right?
But you see that's not the case with Gravity or the Gravitational force •-•
The case is,
The force applied by the apple on the earth is way too small to ,..you know... actually produce a motion in any object cause the mass of apple is way too small when compared to that of the earth. But the force applied on the apple by the earth is too huge when compared to the small mass of apple. So, the apple easily get pulled towards it.
If that was the case then we would be pulled by every other object we see no? But, we aren't. are we? No.
So, the point is that the object moves towards the object when the other object has a very strong Gravitational pull force.