why don't NaCl form covalent bond? why don't CH4 form ionic bond?
i think na loses electron and cloride gains electron to complete their octet
sodium cloride
2,8,1 its imposible to gain 7e as cloride needs 1 electron to complete
so it loses its electron their octet and its easy to gain it
Na+ and Cl-
as Ionic bonding is the complete transfer of valence electron(s) between atoms
ch4 ;methane;
carbon atom
2,4 it needs 4 electrons to complete their octet
there is no chance of lossing electrons becoz the force needs to hold 4 electros in their shells ,if 1 electron is lossed then the same force act on 3 electrons then we have need to give lot of energy to get another electron
so its better for carbon aton to share electron with another atoms
therefore it forms covelent bond