Science, asked by sonamsharmasss48, 10 months ago

why donkey and buffaloes have blunt teeth?


Answered by gratefuljarette


The donkey and buffaloes have blunt teeth because they are herbivore animals. They have to eat only plants and grasses.


Both the animal eats only grasses. The blunt teeth helps them to chew herbs and shrubs. Also the structure of their head supports that type structure of teeth. The sharp tooth is needed for torn out the flesh and to cut. But there is no need of doing that in eating of shrubs. The requirement of force to detach the leaf from the plant or tree is provided by the blunt teeth.

Answered by indiabrainly



Donkeys and Buffaloes have blunt teeth because they are herbivorous animals. They depend on leaves and grasses for their food. They need to thoroughly chew their food before digesting.

The blunt teeth provide ease in chewing the grass. But they have sharp teeth as well which help them to tear the grass before chewing.

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