why dose the narrator call the ghost brave in The Canterville ghost
Virginia in "The Canterville Ghost" is empathic, compassionate, active, courageous, gentle and pure. While her parents take a practical approach to the Ghost, scrubbing out the blood stains he leaves on the library floor with Pinkerton's Champion Stain Remover and Paragon Detergent, and while the Otis twins play mean jokes on the Ghost, Virginia shows her empathy by actually interacting with him.
The Ghost notes "she had never insulted him in any way," and when she finds him in the Tapestry room, he looks so "forlorn" and "out of repair" that rather than run away, she is "filled with pity and determined to try and comfort him." She offers him a sandwich and when he tells her he has not slept in 300 years, "her little lips trembled like rose leaves." In this scene, she shows her empathy, not only pitying him but feeling his pain. She feels compassionate toward him as well, calling him "poor, poor Ghost."
Then narrator calls the ghost brave in a mocking way since the ghost was frightened by the another ghost and had ran off.
This is the answer....