Why Electrical Components Occurs In IoNic Solid And Metals ?????
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ionic bonding Orchid between metal atom and non metal atoms alternately, an atom that loses electrons become a positively change iron the particles in an ionic compound are held together because there are oppositely charged particles that are attracted to one another.
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IoNic SoLid And MeTaLs HaViNg CoNduCtiViTy Of ElecTric CuRRent
BeCause ForCe Of EleCtroStatic KePt Ions ToGether At a CryStal StruCtuRe
WhiCh Is A 3D InTerConneCted IoNic NeTwork..
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IoNic SoLid And MeTaLs HaViNg CoNduCtiViTy Of ElecTric CuRRent
BeCause ForCe Of EleCtroStatic KePt Ions ToGether At a CryStal StruCtuRe
WhiCh Is A 3D InTerConneCted IoNic NeTwork..
HoPe It's HelP You❤❤
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