why electron doesn't liberate while revolving around the nucleus??
your class is 9 or 11
because class 11 student cannot ask this question...
refer ch 2 ncert chemistry class 11 for more info
electron does not luberate energy while revolving around a nucleus because if it liberate energy then at last electron fall in the nucleus which is not possible this is drawback of rutherford . rutherfors cannot explain the maxwell law.
bohr was the scientist to correct it. he says that energy of electron is a fixed quantiity in orbit. the electrons revolve around the nucleus due to centrpetal force of electrosratic force between nucleus and electrons.
the theory of bohr based on quantum theory and classical laws of physics.
some formulas given by bohr
total energy in a orbit is given by = > -13. 6 × z^2/ n^2 even per atom
K z e^2 / r ^2 = m v^2/r
mvr = nh/2π
radius = 0.529 n^2/z angstrom
velocity = 2.188 × 10^6 z/n m per sec