Why Ethers are used as universal solvents
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Water is called the universal solventbecause it dissolves more substances than any other solvent. However, nosolvent, including water, dissolves every chemical. Typically, "like dissolves like." This mean polarsolvents dissolve polar molecules, such as salts..
Diethyl ether is an especially goodsolvent for the formation of Grignard reagents for two reasons. The Grignard carbon is highly basic and reacts with the acidic protons of polarsolvents like water to form an alkane.Ether has no acidic protons, so Grignard reagents are stable inether.
Diethyl ether is an especially goodsolvent for the formation of Grignard reagents for two reasons. The Grignard carbon is highly basic and reacts with the acidic protons of polarsolvents like water to form an alkane.Ether has no acidic protons, so Grignard reagents are stable inether.
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