Chemistry, asked by anja212, 1 year ago

why ethyne does not react with NaOH?


Answered by arnabh17
Acetylene has an acidic nature. It means it has an acidic tendency or it can loose proton if provided a suitable reagent (highly basic). It is not a strong acid to react with weak base like Na2CO3. Even NaOH or KOH also does not react. Only Bases like NaNH2 (sodamide) or Tollens reagent and a few other are able to replace H+ of acetylene by the metal atom.
H-CC-H + NaNH2 --------------> H-CC-Na + NH3
H-CC-H + Ag+ (Tollen's reagent) -------------------> H-CC-Ag + H+

In acetylene carbon is sp hybridized. The bond length sp<sp2<sp3. So sp bond is smallest the bonded pair in case of sp hybridized bond is nearer to C than in cases of sp2 snd sp3 bonds. So sp hybridized cabon is more electronegetive and can pull electron more nearer to the carbon and make hydrogen od actylene acquire a little positive charge. Thus the hydrogen become a little acidic in nature but not like hydrogen of an regular acid like CH3COOH and even much less than C2H5OH.. thnk u
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