why exercising the right to vote is a citizen fundamental duty
As a citizen of India, we adhere to legal and moral responsibilities. However, this responsibility must be understood by every citizen of India. India is the only country in the world where different ethnic group lives together. In India, more than 1600 languages are spoken and the dialect differs according to the region. Despite the diversity in religion, language, cultural tradition and so forth, people respect each other by living together.
However, there are economical gaps in our country between rich and poor. As a responsible citizen we should not treat anyone differently due to their economic status, rather we should treat everyone with kindness and love. Indian soldiers set a good example of responsibility, where they are ready to sacrifice their lives for their citizens with no respect to caste, religion, creed, color and so forth. However, taking the courage from our soldiers we should perform small steps to contribute towards the betterment of our country.