why gamma rays have more penetrating power as compared to beta rays and alpha rays
and have less ionising power as compared to beta rays and alpha rays?
Alpha, Beta and Gamma
Atoms are the smallest unit of matter. Certain atoms that can break down or transform into new ones are referred to as radioactive. To become stable, they emit particulate or electromagnetic radiation. This process is called radioactive decay. The emission of the energy from the atom can come in the form of gamma rays and/or an alpha or beta particulate. If the atom emits radiation in the form of an alpha or beta particle, a new element is created. This emission is called gamma, beta, and alpha radiation.
Alpha particles are doubly charged and comprised of two protons and two neutrons. This double charge along with slow sped and high mass, lead alpha particles to interact more freely than beta particles or gamma rays. This all adds up to the alpha particle having a low level of penetrating power. Externally, they can be stopped by the first layer of skin. Internally, they can be more damaging.
Beta particles move faster than alpha particles. They are singly charged and lighter, allowing them to travel at faster speeds. They can also penetrate deeper than alpha particles.
Gamma rays are an energetic form of light. They have more energy than any other wave on the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma Rays have far more penetrating power than alpha or beta particles and can easily penetrate the human body. They are measured in units called the Sievert. Doses less than 100 mSv are not harmful.
Hope it helps u lot dear!......