Why gopa didn't listen to his mother instead of the alien.
(On the Base of the lesson Chocolates in your dreams too)
1.Why did Gopa create a fuss in the market?
Ans. Gopa created a fuss in the market because his mother refused to buy a chocolate for him.
2 .Why did Gopa’s mother forbid him to watch TV?
Ans. Gopa’s mother forbade him to watch TV because he had been watching TV for long duration which according to her,could harm his eyes.
3. What reasons did Gopa quote in favour of having cold drinks?
Ans. The reasons that Gopa quoted in favour of having cold drinks were
1. what wrong was he doing when everyone was doing the same.
2. all these things were readily available.
3. they are advertised round the clock.
4. What was the conclusion of aliens report about gopas health?
Ans.The conclusion of aliens report about Gopa’s health was that his body would likely to stop functioning within five years.
5 .List the instructions which alien gave to Gopa to be disciplined.
Ans. The instructions which alien gave to Gopa to be disciplined were:
lead a disciplined life.
· get up early in the morning.
· sleep early.
· avoid late night movies
· avoid junk food
· go for morning walks
Gopa’s mother didn’t want him to eat chocolates because chocolates are bad for health.
I hope it helps you