why great achievement is done slowly
The adages 'Rome was not built in a day' and 'slow and steady wins the race' point to an essential attribute of achievement or success, that it takes time and consistent effort. A great achievement does not occur instantly but is a result of years of hard work, perseverance, determination and self-belief. Also, an achievement which is based on a strong foundation is more likely to last longer than one which is laid on a weak foundation.
Every great achievement begins from scratch. Nothing can be achieved overnight. Overnight success is more of an exception rather than norm. Just as a seed takes time to bloom into a flower, a good thought or action becomes a great achievement only with time.
Great achievements are done slowly
we may sometimes feels those achievements as a small one
but before it is shaped into final form many times some people have worked behind it
by thinking about it's goodness and badness
or may take many time to get into final form..
for example, Our constitution has been changed many times inorder to correct it as well as many time is taken
before passing a law
A great example is Our great legend Mother.
Our Mother's are the greatest Legends in the Entire Universe
because u , me and everyone knows that
our mother haves the birth to us
The time she is carrying us in her womb is the time in which she faces the greatest difficulties.
Inside her womb we all are growing upto a time
it's also a long process.
from the time of the formation of foetus till coming outside to the world.,there is a great time between these two stages
we are the greatest achievements created by our parents........
Hope it helps you
Have a great day