English, asked by margretemagh, 5 months ago

why greater srress is given on the education of backwards classes.​


Answered by sailaja3sailaja



ducation is one of the essential requirements for man-making and

nation building. It is indispensible for development of human

resources. Education imparts knowledge, skills, and character. After

independence, the governments in India relied more on literacy mission

emphasizing 3Rs (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) to fulfil the expectations

of the Directive Principles of State Policy. At the backdrop of the New

Education Policy, likely to come up shortly, the paper makes a critical attempt

to appraise the statistics and status of the education among Tribes across


Development should not be studied in isolation. Development is not

synonymous with the growth of a few affluent persons. As Amartya Sen

(1999) stated unless the capabilities among human beings are adequately

human freedoms, and this freedom can only be achieved when the people

are guaranteed political freedom, economic facilities, social opportunities,

transparency, and security. Although these conditions are different from one

another, they are all inter-connected.

India has a rich glorious heritage, but a sizeable part of Indian

population is yet to get benefits out of it. They are still tribal communities

which are primitive and live in secluded are+as (Verma 1996). The Imperial

Gazetteer of India, 1911 defines tribe as a “collection of families bearing a

common name, speaking a common dialect, occupying or professing to

occupy a common territory and is not usually endogamous though originally

it might have been so” (Nithya 2014). According to D.N. Majumdar “A

tribe is a social group with territorial afflation, endogamous with no

specialization of functions, rule by tribal officers, hereditary or otherwise

united in language and dialect, recognizing social distance with other tribes

or caste without any social obloquy attaching to them, as it does in the caste

structure, following tribal traditions, beliefs and customs, illiberal of

naturalization of ideas, from alien sources, above all conscious of

homogeneity of ethnic and territorial integration” (quoted in Varma 1996).

The tribes in India usually reside in hill areas, forests, near the seas, and in

islands. Their life style is quite different from non-tribals (Preet 1994). It is

not that their societies are static, but the pace of social change in tribal

society is very slow. Since they are materially and economically backward,

attempts have been made by the Government to develop them. Today, the

governments in all countries are paying special attention to development of

the tribes (Nithya 2014). Though our national leaders and constitutional

makers are committed to uplift the tribal people, a desired level of

development has not been achieved

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