Why has Fedeealism succeeded in India? Which ale the policies adopted by India that have ensured ita (2013, 2012)
Federalism has succeeded in India due to the nature of democratic policies in our country. The policies adopted by India to ensure this success: i Linguistic States: After independence the boundaries of several old states were changed in order to create new states. The creation of linguistic states was the first and a major test for democratic politics in our country. ii Language Policy: The second test for the Indian federation is the language policy. The Indian constitution did not give the status of national language to any one of the language. iii Centre-State Relations: Restructuring the centre-state relations is one more way in which federalism has been strengthened in practice. iv Decentralization of Power: Power in India has been decentralized to the local government. The local government includes Panchayats in villages and municipalities in urban areas.