Why has the government made laws against people who keep animals and
use them to earn a livelihood?
because goverment thinks that people harm animals but all people do not do this.and as you all know that tiger are endangered animals so in fear or other animal going endangered or extinct government took action
Global rise in temperature has been steep in the last 50 years, leading to increased climatic variability. This
variability manifests itself in various ways including through unpredictable rainfall patterns, increased flooding,
depleting agricultural output and rising sea-levels. Although efforts are in place to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions and mitigate future rise in temperature, responding to the inevitable impacts of climate change that
we are already witnessing has received relatively less attention.
The poor are typically the most vulnerable in the face of climate change, as they are highly exposed to the
environment through their living conditions and livelihoods. Those in Asian cities are especially susceptible to
unpredictable environmental changes, as these cities are expected to account for more than 60% of global
population growth in the next 30 years. Tier two cities in particular lack the resources and infrastructure of
larger, more developed cities to be able to address the compounding challenges of urbanisation, poverty
and environmental degradation, leading to an escalation in the vulnerabilities of the urban poor.