English, asked by tanu3394, 7 months ago

why has the populations of the word grown so rapidly since1970' s​


Answered by adhritchopdekar


please mark me as BRAINLIEST

I really need only 1 brainliest mark



The reason why humans have increased in population so rapidly and so successfully is because we've sidestepped the two problems of food shortage and being knocked over by disease

Answered by ritika1115


Why has the population of the world grown so rapidly since the 1970s?

Immigrate to Germany.

Andrew Cross

Answered 2 years ago

Why has the population of the world grown so rapidly since the 1970s?

Many simple reasons, fewer people are dieing of disease, malnutrition and war. Please note I am not saying no people are dieing, just fewer than in previous epidemics, plagues, famines and war.

The result being more people being born and staying alive to breed future generations.

Medical advances in treatment, and the capability to use them as required. The availability and movement of food and other supplies as required. That warfare is increasingly being seen as unnecessary and a waste of life, time and energy.

For example, the death toll of the 1914/18 war has been thought to be around 6 million worldwide, the death toll of the influenza epidemic of 1921 was calculated as 50 million worldwide. The population of the UK at the 1921 census was, if I remember correctly around 21 million. Today, the population of the UK is calculated as around 65 million.

The next question that normally comes along, is about the world getting too crowded. Well, no! The present entire human population could fit uncomfortably on an island the size of the Isle of Wight (south coast of UK) or quite comfortably on an area the size of Alaska (hopefully more warmer). It's just people's experience within an urban environment that makes them forget the size of the world outside of it.

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