Why human dentition is considered as the codont, diphydont and heterodont.
Because human teeth have all of these characteristic that’s why their dentition refers to as thecodont, heterodont and diphyodont.
Diphyodont (di mean two or two sets, odont means teeth)
Diphyodont dentition is a characteristic of mammals in which milk teeth appear in the young ones but as they grow and jaw becomes larger, milk teeth are replaced by larger permanent ones to fit in the larger jaw bone.
Heterodont (hetero means different,odont means teeth)
Heterodont dentition occurs in mammals in which there are 4 functionally different types of teeth, namely, flat incisors for cutting, long and...
Answer: Human teeth, along with being heterodont and diphyodont, are thecodont as well.
So to the above answer, I'd make one addition.
Thecodont dentition is the one in which teeth are embedded in the jaw socket.