Sociology, asked by KSEH3521, 1 year ago

Why humans like to communicate with each other?


Answered by ziya64

Human communication is a process by which individuals exchange information and influence one another through a common system of symbols and signs. The social psychological perspective on communication emphasizes the fact that communication also involves social motives and has interpersonal consequences beyond just information reception. By the communicator and the audience taking each other into account, communication both creates new knowledge and constructs a shared reality. Communicators choose how to formulate their message by taking the characteristics of the audience, including their audience's situation, into account. When communicators do so, their messages can change their own knowledge and attitudes. Audiences also infer that the communicator intended to formulate the message in a particular way, and these inferences influence how they understand the message. Audiences also use the communicator's characteristics to draw inferences about the meaning intended by the communicator. As social actions, messages can be used strategically to imply causality and generalizability. Both communicators and audiences use communication to signal and control relationships and to serve other interpersonal goals. Communication involves trade-offs among different motives. How these trade-offs are solved, and how the solutions influence the nature and consequences of communication, are major questions for future research.

Answered by soumiln43

they communicate to share there mood and emotion , if they not they will not feel happy

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