Why in your opinion did the mandoves free?
believe in anything other than free will because any other theory terrifies me beyond words. The idea that every choice I’ve ever made, every choice I will ever make, is pre-determined, decided for me by something that I don’t even understand, and suddenly I’m questioning my entire existence!
This is something I’m studying at the moment in Psychology at college and since starting the topic, I’m actually starting to understand the determinist view a little more - if everything we do is defined by biological processes in the brain, why wouldn’t that determine our choices? We can never be truly sure that it is possible for us to have made the opposite choice of every choice we make because we haven’t made it. The only logical argument for the existence of free will is that we believe we have it, therefore we must have it. Objectively, it’s not a particularly compelling argument, as much as I’d love to accept it.
So, simply put, I suppose my opinion is that I wish my opinion was a lot more favourable - I want to believe in it, but I’m not sure that I do.