Why inhumane farming methods have a huge tendency to contribute to environmental degradation
Answer:inhumane farming is also called factory farming or intensive farming.intensive farming kills beneficial insects and plants, degrades and depletes the very soil it depends on, creates polluted runoff and clogged water systems, increases susceptibility to flooding, causes the genetic erosion of crops and livestock species around the world, decreases biodiversity, destroys natural habitats.
Inhumane farming methods degrade our ecosystem because there is a use of scientific methods for production of crops and animal products. Animal products are eggs, milk, meat, etc.
The use of more chemical products in the farm leads to the degradation of land. The dumping of industrial wastes directly into the river, when the water is separated for irrigation from the river it degrade the land.
Chemical experiment on animals such as giving them injections, additional hormones can degrade the quality. Organic farming should be done to prevent the degradation of land.