why inspiration in cockroach is passive and expiration is active?
Inspiration is an active process whereas expiration is a passive process. Inspiration occurs when the muscles of the diaphragm contract to increase the overall volume of the thoracic cavity.
Because the air absorbed by cockroaches comes into direct contact with the various body organs, it is believed to be a passive process, whereas it is an active process in humans.
In breathing, two processes are involved:
- Inspiration
- Expiration.
Expiration. :Expiration is the process of breathing out the air
Inspiration :Inspiration is the process of taking in the air. The volume of the thoracic area increases as you take a breath.
Inspiration considered as an active process
The act of inhaling air into the lungs is known as inspiration (inhalation). It is the active phase of breathing since it is the outcome of muscle contraction
Expiration considered as an passive process
Expiration is usually a passive process that occurs as the diaphragm muscle relaxes (that contracted during inspiration). The elastic recoil of the lungs is the major reason for passive expiration.