why intercalary Meristem lack vacuoles
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meristematic tissues lack vacuoles as Meristematic cells divide frequently to give rise new cell. For that, they need dense cytoplasm and soft cell wall. As we know, vacuoles are full of cell sap and provide turgidity and rigidity to the cell, which are a hinderance in cell division
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Intercalary meristems are found at the leaf base and internodal regions in grasses (Monocots). All the meristems including intercalary, lack or have very small vacuoles, instead they are completely filled with protoplasm and have a prominent nucleus for active cell division. The main function of intercalary meristem is to divide and increase length in plant stem. They actually do not need vacuole as it is primarily a storage organ and its main function is to store nutrients and it has no role in cell division.
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