Physics, asked by garvbcss, 1 year ago

Why is A being taken half in the below attatchment
Pls write correct answers



Answered by jay1319


When the length of the wire is doubled, thd area will be halved.

For example,

Cosider some sort of dough or something you make chappathis with.

Take a roll of it ant stretch it.You will see the roll becoming thinner as you stretch it.So, the area of cross section decreases directly ptoportional-ly to the amount of stretching.Same is the case here.

If the wire is stretched 4 times its original length, the area becomes A/4 and so on.

Hope you understood.

Answered by riyatalukdar231100r

Wire's area will become half because 1) Area is inversely proportional to Length.

2) Also when we strech the wire the length increases but now the area of the wire need to be distributed evenly to its new length does the area decreases.

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