Biology, asked by chisinkenshin, 5 months ago

why is adolescent called a stage of idealism?? ​


Answered by priti19188




Adolescents are able to use prepositional logic�they are able to reason, systematize their ideas, construct theories and test them scientifically and logically

� Elkind calls this stage the conquest of thought

Piaget�s experiment to discover strategies used for problem solving

� Problem was to find out what would affect the oscillatory speed of the pendulum

� The subjects were free to investigate four possible effects and solving the problem any way they chose

� They showed 3 basic characteristics in problem solving

o They planned their investigations systematically and testing all possible causes for variation in the pendulum swings

o Then they recorded the results actively and objectively

o Finally, they formed logical conclusions

� Children might have come up with the right answer by trial and error, but didn�t use systematic procedures to find the answer and give logical explanations for their solutions

� To do formal operational thinking, adolescents are able to be flexible�they can be versatile with their thoughts and possible outcomes

� Adolescents are now able to use a second symbol system: a set of symbols of symbols (i.e., algebraic signs and metaphorical speech are signs symbols numbers and/or words)�words can now carry multiple meanings

� Adolescents are also able to orient themselves toward what is abstract and not immediately present �this allows them to distinguish btwn possibility from present reality�to think about the future and what might be


Answered by amanda77


it is a time where physical, social, emotions chages.and they dont think that adults advise is necessary for them, and they expect good result in what ever situation they are. and they think that they are lile adults.


hope this helps u i wrote it in my own words so that u can understand. if any doubt u can clarify

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