Science, asked by tushar214, 1 year ago

why is asexual reproduction named so?discuss any two mode of asexual reproduction and point out its advantages and disadvantages


Answered by people1234
The Advantages of Asexual Reproduction

1. Rapid Populating
Asexual reproduction gives the ability to produce large quantities of offspring. This helps to fill up niche’s quickly and prevent intruders and competition from invading.

2. No Mates Required
Finding a mate can be very difficult for organisms that are in desolate environments, like the deep ocean. Asexual reproduction takes the need to find a mate away, allowing these organisms to multiply.

3. In Case of Emergency
In dire situations, plants and organisms can keep themselves alive and produce others to help them without the help of a mate, or another reproductive source. Plants are a great example of this. If no pollinator is available to pollinate, then they can clone by asexual reproduction.

4. No True Investment
Asexual reproducers do not have to carry their offspring for a long amount of time and produce more than one at a time. This makes it a quick and inexpensive process for them in the terms of time.

The Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction

1. No Diversity
Since the traits of only one parent are passed on, all of the offspring are exactly identical. This causes a very big lack of diversity among the population of these organisms.

2. Prone To Extinction
All of the same traits also means all of the same weaknesses. Parasites and other predators that have evolved to kill just one of the organisms can take out the entire population.

3. Cannot Adapt
An organism has established reactions to certain things, and all of these reactions are passed down to their offspring with asexual reproduction. This makes it impossible for them to adapt to any environmental changes.

Answered by washu
the asexual named because in that only one parent involve like ameoba the advantage is that grow their self and the disadvantage is that there will be no genration
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