Why is Australia referred to as 'Down Under?
What makes the plains fertile and habitable?
Name the physiographic divisions of India.
Why does the south-west monsoon break into two branches?
What is teak wood generally used for?​
India is a land of great diversities, potentialities and is a rich country
inhabited by the poors. Its culture and civilization are as old as man himself.
It has great geographical extent. It belongs to south part of Asia continent. It
has lofty Himalayas in the north representing the youngest mountain building
epoch in the geological history, a part of which is permanently snow covered.
On the south, it is washed by the Indian Ocean. It encompasses vast areas of
diverse landmasses. It has vast fertile plains known as Great Plains of India.
The western part of the plain is defined by Thar Desert. On the eastern part
there is a big delta of Ganga -Brahmaputra Rivers. On the south of the plain,
the landmass is known as the Peninsular India, comprising a number of
uneven plateaus carved out by rivers flowing in different directions. It is an
event of earliest geological structure. This Indian peninsula has eastern
coastal Plain on its east washed by Bay of Bengal, whereas the western
coastal narrow plains on its west. Although climatically a typical monsoonal
realm with all rhythmic characteristics, the country exhibits a wide range of
climatic variation from the dry continental conditions to the humid littorals.
Its vastness, has given the pronoun of sub -continent, as it occupies
most part of South-Asia. Prof. Chisholm has rightly said that there is no part
of the world better demarcated by nature as a region by itself than the Indian
sub-continent. G.B. Cressey has also strongly advocated that may be termed
as sub-continent because it is distinct geographical unit with a number of
physical and cultural diversities. A number of Indian Geographers are not in
favour to use this term for our country. They are of the opinion that our
motherland has vastness and a number of diversities in physi cal, human and
cultural features. Such diversity may be rare in other parts of the world. It