Why is botany different from environment science?
In environment science what are the major subjects ?
If I take botany + chem in environment science than why it not considered as I am studying botany??
Environment’ comprises everything living and non-living on earth. Botany considers (mainly) the plant kingdom and, as such, can be regarded as a component within environmental science. However, there are about 400,000 different plant species, far more than sufficient to overwhelm the minds of even the best thinkers. Throw in the other 8 million or so species of life, all the physical and chemical factors affecting them, and how all of this interacts and you have environmental science. Needless to say, environmental science is necessarily highly assumptive. It really only begins to approach a true science when environmental scientists clearly state their hypotheses (too often communicated as facts) and reveal (all of) the assumptions used to formulate those hypotheses. Otherwise, environmental science is just airy fairy imaginative thinking, not science at all.
Environmental sciences is a multidisciplinary science. It takes the shape of water!!!. When you place it in a glass it will be glass shape and when it is placed in vessel it taken vessels. I mean to say it includes every subject. Like way, botany is part of the Environmental sciences. Just like you cannot learn about biology without botany, every subject is needed for Environmental sciences. In terms of botanical perspective you can explain the Environmental components. If you specifically ask about the relation… well.. Entire world is divided into Living and Non living components according to Env. Sciences. The first part of living world starts with plants… learning about plants is botany…. That is how it is related to Env. Sciences. Hope you got the answer.!!!!