Why is cleanliness essential for human life?
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Cleanliness is essential for human life due to the reason that keeping ourselves and our surroundings clean will lead to a healthy lifestyle and a prolonged life.
If a person stays in a clean environment and keeps himself and his surroundings clean then that person definitely will have a better life due to decreased risk of various diseases or various other health hazards.
Only keeping our house will not prove to be beneficial but we also need to keep our surroundings and environment clean in order to live a better life.
Answered by
Cleanliness is very important for the physical and mental well being of the people. It is necessary to keep ourselves and our environment clean so that there are fewer chances of people falling sick because of infections.
- Dirty surroundings generate diseases and make people fall ill.
- It is necessary to take a bath every day, keep ourselves clean, ‘wash our hands’ regularly and wear clean clothes.
- Cleanliness defines the personality of a person and gives him confidence.
- For a healthy mind and body, it is necessary to adhere to being clean.
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