why is colour of sun is yellow
The reason that the Sun looks yellow to us is because of Earth's atmosphere. The earth's atmosphere scatters away light in the blue, indigo and violet wavelength region, while higher wavelength colors, like red, orange and yellow are less easily scattered.
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If you view sunlight through a prism, you can see the entire range of wavelengths of light. Another example of the visible portion of the solar spectrum is seen in the rainbow. Sunlight isn't a single color of light, but a combination of the emission spectra of all the elements in the star. All of the wavelengths combine to form white light, which is the net color of the sun. The sun emits different amounts of various wavelengths. If you measure them, the peak output in the visible range is actually in the green portion of the spectrum (not yellow).
However, visible light isn't the only radiation emitted by the sun. There's also blackbody radiation. The average of the solar spectrum is a color, which indicates the temperature of the sun and other stars. Our sun averages about 5,800 Kelvin, which appears nearly white. Out of the brightest stars in the sky, Rigel appears blue and has a temperature exceeding 100,000K, while Betelguese has a cooler temperature of 35,00K and appears red.
If you view a NASA photo of the sun, or a photo taken from any telescope, you're usually viewing a false color image. Often, the color that is chosen for the image is yellow because it's familiar. Sometimes photos taken through green filters are left as-is because the human eye is most sensitive to green light and can readily distinguish detail.
If you use a neutral density filter to observe the sun from Earth, either as a protective filter for a telescope or so you can observe a total solar eclipse, the sun will appear yellow because you're reducing the amount of light that reaches your eyes, but not changing the wavelength. Yet, if you used that same filter in space and didn't correct the image to make it "prettier", you'd see a white sun.