Why is crude oil very valuable?
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hey mate...
here is ur answer...
There’s a lot of energy in a barrel of crude - about 1.7MWh. We can split that crude oil up into liquid fuels like petroleum (gasoline), kerosene and so on.
Liquid fuels are useful because they are easy to transport and store - at-sea-refueling with coal for a Navy was a challenge, but with oil, sea power took on a new lease of life. It also lets you build better, more powerful engines like the ICE or jet engines, which unlocked flight.
You can easily carry enough energy in a plastic fuel can to push a car 50+ kilometers, which is hugely convenient. And very cheap.
This cheap energy has revolutionised people’s lives over the last century.
It’s so useful for transport that its hard to replace. Generating electricity is easier than finding oil, but storing and transporting electricity is complicated - batteries, wires, chargers and so on are all expensive and need a lot of copper, cobalt and lithium.
here is ur answer...
There’s a lot of energy in a barrel of crude - about 1.7MWh. We can split that crude oil up into liquid fuels like petroleum (gasoline), kerosene and so on.
Liquid fuels are useful because they are easy to transport and store - at-sea-refueling with coal for a Navy was a challenge, but with oil, sea power took on a new lease of life. It also lets you build better, more powerful engines like the ICE or jet engines, which unlocked flight.
You can easily carry enough energy in a plastic fuel can to push a car 50+ kilometers, which is hugely convenient. And very cheap.
This cheap energy has revolutionised people’s lives over the last century.
It’s so useful for transport that its hard to replace. Generating electricity is easier than finding oil, but storing and transporting electricity is complicated - batteries, wires, chargers and so on are all expensive and need a lot of copper, cobalt and lithium.
hii sweetheart
Answered by
Crude oils is used in plastics, so it is very valuable.
Generally, this latter effort minimizes the production of heavier, lower value products (for example, residual fuel oil, used to power large ocean-going ships) in favor of middle distillates (jet fuel, kerosene, home heating oil and diesel fuel) and lighter, higher value products (liquid petroleum gases (LPG), naphtha, ...
Generally, this latter effort minimizes the production of heavier, lower value products (for example, residual fuel oil, used to power large ocean-going ships) in favor of middle distillates (jet fuel, kerosene, home heating oil and diesel fuel) and lighter, higher value products (liquid petroleum gases (LPG), naphtha, ...
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