Why is decentralization of powers considered good for democracy explain?
The transfer of power from central and state governments to local governments is called decentralization of power.
It is favoured in any democracy as it has the following advantages :-
1) The local people have better views on how to manage money.
2) These people have better knowledge about their problems and solution to resolve them.
3) It develops a practice of regular decision making among the people.
4) All the matters at the local level are resolved among the people themselves.
It works to harness human self-interest and the desire for personal autonomy in powerful ways.
Individuals will take care of themselves
When they marry, they participate in the care of their family
The family will participate in the care of their neighborhood
The neighborhoods participate in taking care of their town or city
The cities participate in taking care of their state
The states participate in taking care of their country
The social web is extraordinarily strong if it is healthy.
If a person fails, they can turn to their family
If the family fails, it can turn to its neighbors
… and so on