Chemistry, asked by rid4i9nehamit, 1 year ago

Why is electronic configuration of oxygen written as 1s2 2px2 2py1 2p21 and not 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2?


Answered by Jashwanth123
it is not written like that as it doesnot satisfy hunds rule that first degenerate orbitals should be filled so it is written as 1s2 2px2 2py1 2pz1

Answered by vanshikaahir79


why is electronic configuration of oxygen written as 1s2 2px2 2py1 2p21 and not 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2? Because of the Hund's rule. because an electron gains stability when it is either half filled or completely filled so to atain partial stability oxygen transfers 1 electron to 2pz and hence atains half filled stability.

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